Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week 7: One-computer classroom - the current state of affairs

First I have to describe the situation in my school regarding the use of the classrooms. As we share the school premises with a vocational school, we have simply-furnished classrooms where students remain stationary and the teachers move from one classroom to another. However, we don’t share all the classrooms with the other school. There are several labs that are only ours, such as the two computer labs with Internet access, and the two foreign language labs. Only one of the language labs is equipped with a computer with Internet access and a projector. There are 8 language teachers at my school so we have a sign up a list for this lab as well, just like for the computer labs.

Unfortunately, the lab remains locked during breaks, so I read the article Self-access – A Framework for Diversity by Michael Rodden with envy. There is absolutely no possibility for me and my fellow language teachers to create a student corner at school, where our students would have access to materials connected with language learning, such as dictionaries, newspapers, brochures, postcards and other memorabilia that we bring from our trips to target language countries (besides English, German, Italian and French are taught at my school).

Also, as the financial situation won’t allow us to buy software for language teaching and learning in the near future (schools have always been underfunded), we have to rely on the free resources available on the Internet. For this reason I set up a website together with two of my enthusiastic colleagues. I’m in charge of the English pages where I post links to all the free interactive materials that have instant feedback. Occasionally, I write my own materials. As it was the first of its kind in Croatia, the website became so popular that it is now used by students from all over the country who are preparing for their school-leaving exams. Since its launch in December 2009, it has been visited by more than 183,000 students (with more than 10 million hits). You can visit the Moja matura page here.

I sometimes use the links from the website in the one-computer classroom, but I have to admit that it is much more useful when students do the exercises individually or in pairs at their own pace, especially as they can check their answers immediately.


  1. Dear, Arjana you have voiced the concern of many teachers concerning usage of computer labs. In my institution there is one computer lab but with no access to the internet,and I never used it for my English classes. After reading the posts, I really got ideas on how to organize timetable to make students more envcouraeged about using computers during classes.

    I hope in the future school will have enough funding and make it possible to make students corners.

    Good Luck

  2. Dear Arjana,

    I completely agree that teachers have to struggle to find available computers. Majority of my students have their own laptops and I don't know why I have never asked them to bring their laptops in class!!!

    If there are at least three computers everything will be much easier and we can save more time in this way.


  3. I agree this is a rather ambitious project. After all I have done in this course, I am determined to see how far I can go. I appreciate your comments and I keep praying that this project will be a success. If it is, then it will be a precedent to other students doing this programme.

    I need the luck!


  4. Dear Arjana

    These are some of the challenges we have to contend with as teachers. It is a pity that one can use one's skills to the maximum because of lack of resources. I am happy you have soldiered on and I admire your determination and enthusiasm.

    I wish you the best in all your endeavours.


  5. Dear colleagues,
    Thanks a lot for your encouraging comments. As you say, we have to struggle with whatever resources we have. Also, I think that we should always remember that it's not the computer and software that make a perfect lesson, but the teacher who uses them to engage his/her students and to empower them to become independent learners.

    All the best
