Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 5: Focus on inquiry and collaboration

Up to now I have carried out several different technology related projects, but it was only this week that I found out about webquests. This week was a real eye opener for me.

This week I created my first webquest ever. Developing a webquest itself isn't difficult at all, as all we need to do is follow the precise guide on Zunal, but when we want to write a webquest from scratch, it is a good idea that we already know what we want to do, how we plan to carry it out, what is expected of students, what the final product will be and how students will be evaluated. We must dedicate quite an amount of time and a lot of effort if we want to develop a well-written webquest. However, it is definitely worth it, as the possibilities are immense and I'm sure the students will find it motivating and rewarding.

I have made a decision: From now on, the projects in my class will be focussed upon inquiry-based tasks!

I also strongly support my colleagues' suggestion to connect our students. They will significantly benefit from the collaboration with students from different parts of the world, not only in language learning, but also in learning about other countries, their people and their traditions, which will lead to mutual understanding and respect. Last Septmeber I launched a project with my students, called Greetings from the world. They were supposed to create multimedia posters known as Glogsters, about different parts of their own country. We are really proud because we have been joined by 300 students and their teachers from 10 countries who shared their posters with us. My students were provided with the opportunity to learn with and from their peers and this has been a one-of-a-kind experience not only for them, but for me too.


  1. Dear Arjana,
    I was awfully disappointed yesterday when I couldn't comment with Blogger. But today things improved.
    I'd like to collaborate with you too. It'd be great for me and my students. You've done unbelievable job with your project and educational wiki. It's a pity I haven't heard anything about Glogsters yet. I have so much to learn from you.
    Have wonderful vacation at the seaside!

  2. Dear Arjana,

    I also think Glogsters is a great idea and your project last September must have been so motivating for your students. It's a great use of technology in teaching. I checked out your webquest about Canada and I think it's great too. Students love to learn about other places - it stimulates imagination.

    I have a question about Prezi. Can you describe a little bit more how it is used in class and why you have chosen it? I looked at the Prezi site, but I'm a little unclear how students would use it. Do they need a computer and projector?

    Thank you.


  3. Dear Victoria and Janet,

    Thank you for your comments and kind words:-)

    Glogster is an excellent tool for developing student creativity. I especially like it because it enables teachers to open up to 100 free accounts for their students, building thus a virtual classroom in a safe and protected environment.

    You are more than welcome to join our wiki. It is an ongoing project and we would love to learn from your students.

    As for Prezi, it is a web-based tool for creating dynamic presentations. Last year I introduced it to my 17-year-old students and they easily created their own presentations. They were asked to share with their peers what they learned in their English class last year.
    Here's a Prezi by one of my students:

    All the best
